4 years
Asthmatic dry cough at night
Im an asthmatic person (allergic to ventolin) which having dry cough especially at night. While im in kl i was given bencodyl but sadly in my hometown (kuching) i cant find bencodyl. May i know any other similiar product to bencodyl?

Dr Nur Syuhada binti Zulkifli,
5 years
Greetings, thank you for your question.
The answer is a general description of the problem you’re having. Please click on this link (DoctorOnCall) to speak with us.
Based on the above information, we understand your concern about the problem you’re having. If you have asthma and is having an attack, we would suggest that you visit the emergency unit to get immediate treatment because if you experience shortness of breath, it could be life threatening.
Regarding the medication, it is best that you consult a local pharmacy on other available options in the state. For online consult regarding the medication, please click on the link (DoctorOnCallEPharma) to speak with our pharmacist online or (DoctorOnCall) to contact your doctor. We will protect your privacy. Thank you.