3 years
Can a covid recovered patient take supplement?
My father is 64 y/o and just discharged from hospital because of covid. Can covid recovered patient drink millennium drink? As I heard many people recommend it. Or any other supplement can take to strengthen his immune system or reduce side effect of covid?
3 years
Hello and thank you for using our services.
We understand that you want to give a supplement to your father who is a recovered COVID-19 patient. We will try to assist you with this matter.
For your information, it is wise for us to check your father’s health and condition before giving any recommendations for supplements.
Any pre-existing health issues need to be informed as certain patients cannot take supplements which can cause serious complications to their health.
That is why, you are recommended to speak with our doctor via teleconsultation who can assess your father’s condition and offer further advice.
We hope this answers your questions. Thank You