
3 years

Quarantine Period Calculation

Hi Doctor(s)!

My son was tested positive on 11 February and was symptomatic since 9 February. Later on I was tested negative (RTPCR) and I was (and still) asymptomatic.

Based on latest KKM directives, quarantine period is 5 days for those already had their vaccine booster.

In my case, how do I calculate my quarantine days? Is it from the day my child showing symptom, or since the day he was confirmed positive? How do I determine how long I should quarantine since everyday I’m considered as close contact to my child.

Appreciate your feedback. Thanks!

Hello and good morning.
Thank you for your question.

Based on your question, I understand that you are worried about your problem. I will try to help you.

The quarantine days are calculated starting from the day you came into contact with the positive case. According to the CDC (Centre for Disease Control and Prevention), caregivers should continue to stay home after care is complete. Caregivers can leave their home 5 days after their last close contact with the person who is sick (based on the time it takes to develop illness), or 5 days after the person who is sick meets the criteria to end home isolation. In your case, it is highly recommended that you continue to stay home with your child until after he has recovered.

Please continue to monitor your own condition while taking care of your child. Here are some things to note while caring for your child, along with anyone else in the family:

  • Limit contact with other members of the family
  • Eat in separate rooms or areas - ideally fed in his room
  • Avoid sharing personal items
  • Wear appropriate masks, and wear gloves when in contact with him or handling his items
  • Wash hands often - both your child and anyone in the family

If your child or anyone in the family starts showing the following symptoms, or any symptoms that look concerning, please immediately seek medical attention:

  • Trouble breathing
  • Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
  • New confusion
  • Inability to wake or stay awake

You can contact our doctor online for further information.

I hope this answer helps you. Thank you.

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