2 years
COVID fever not subsiding
I am having COVID (tested positive on RTK / RAT test twice) - day 3 of COVID. The fever is now at 39.5C and even after taking 2x500mg paracetamol, I cannot bring the fever down below 38.3C. Do I try changing to Ibuprofen?

Dr Nur Syuhada binti Zulkifli,
2 years
Greetings, thank you for your question.
I understand your concerns, I will try to help you.
For your information, the fever you are experiencing may be due to the Coronavirus infection. Before changing your medication, you are encouraged to see a doctor. Consultation with a doctor is important to discuss further treatment based on your health progress.
I highly recommend you speak to your doctor regarding your situation to provide you with the safest and best route of care to manage your condition as a whole. You can contact our doctor online for further information and treatment.
I hope this answer helps you. Thank you.
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Please visit https://covid-19.moh.gov.my/ to get the latest information and guidelines regarding COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccination
To Book Private COVID-19 Vaccination, Click Here
To Book COVID-19 PCR/RTK Test, Click Here