3 years
My father is 67 and positive Covid
My father admitted into the hospital for Covid-19. The doctor said that my father is on Stage 4 now and they’re administering steroid and some meds for inflammatory heart. My father has high blood pressure and also history of heart disease. I asked the doctor and they said cannot give supplement(for eg: vitamin c, Q10)to my father, can u explain why? Is it because of my father already has high blood pressure or necause they’re givng steroids to him? I heard that some patients can still consume supplements. And can you explain or elaborate about ivermectin

Dr Nur Syuhada binti Zulkifli,
3 years
Good Morning,
Thank you for your question. I understand your question and will try my best to help you today.
Based on your information given above, it is hard to answer due to lack of information of your fathers results, physical examination, etc. But I will try to answer your question.
The reason why the doctor incharge said they cant administer supplements at the moment is because, they might be administering high drug dosage at the moment with steriods thus, they dont want the drugs to be interfered with other external drugs that might change its mechanism of action or the supllements has the same acting mechanisms as the drugs that is currently administered, thus could result with overdose.
Ivermectin is a drug primarily used to treat parasitic infections. The drug was originally discovered in the 1970s and later formulated as a veterinary drug to treat parasitic infections in horses and livestock such as heartworm, which it is still widely used for this purpose in the U.S. in the form of ivermectin paste.
It was later found in the 1980s to have practical uses in much lower doses for humans as a cost-effective treatment against parasites to combat malaria and other diseases plaguing less developed parts of the world. For people in the U.S., it is sometimes prescribed as a pill or topical treatment for head lice and rosacea.
If you have more questions, feel free to contact our doctors online by clicking the link below.
I hope this answer will help you. Thank you.
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