4 years
Close contact to covid-19 patient
Hi, just wanna ask,if I had h/o going to hospital for follow up. Does that mean I have a close contact with covid-19 patients? Thank you

4 years
Greetings! Thank you for the question. For your information, going to the hospital is does not mean that you are having a close contact with COVID-19 patients. According to the guidelines, close contact is:
- Health care associated exposure without appropriate PPE (including providing
direct care for COVID-19 patients, working with health care workers infected with
COVID-19, visiting patients or staying in the same close environment of a COVID19 patient). - Working together in close proximity or sharing the same classroom environment
with a with COVID-19 patient - Traveling together with COVID-19 patient in any kind of conveyance
- Living in the same household as a COVID-19 patient
You are encouraged to answer the quiz on Risk Assessment for COVID-19 to evaluate your health status in regards to this disease. After completing this quiz, you will be classified into several categories.
You may consult a MOH doctor by clicking Ask Doctor at the Ministry of Health website (COVID-19 Portal) to ask any health issues related to COVID-19 starting from 8.30 am to 5.00 pm.
After 5.00 pm till 12.00 am, please direct your enquiries to our DoctorOnCall website at this link DoctorOnCall Tanya.
Please visit https://covid-19.moh.gov.my/ to get the latest information and guidelines regarding COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccination
To Book Private COVID-19 Vaccination, Click Here
To Book COVID-19 PCR/RTK Test, Click Here