4 years
Clumpy Discharge and Vaginal Itching
Hello, doctors. My discharge is not like how it always is. It’s thick and clumpy. My private part is also itchy but only once in a while. I went to the pharmacy and the pharmacist gave me 1 tablet of Clotrimazole Candid V1 but nothing changed. Do I need more doses? What should I do now doctor? Your advice would be much appreciated. Thank you.

4 years
Hello. Thank you for the question. For your information, there are many reasons for the problem of itchy genital area and clumpy discharge. It could be due to:
- Estrogen usage
- Increase estrogen due to pregancy
- Candida infection
- Dry vagina
- Psoariasis
- Sexually Transmitted Disease
- Bacterial vaginosis
In order for us to provide you with an accurate choice of treatment and management, we need additional details to explore further into your current complaints. Therefore, we greatly suggest that you refer this to your nearest medical doctor. You may also click on this link (DoctorOnCall) to speak with our doctors online. We assure you that our conversations are kept in confidentiality unless additional consultation needed with other medical parties. Thank you.