4 years
I am my school runner and I always have itchy feet
I am my school runner and I always have itchy feet but it resolves when I soak my feet in salt water after my training session. But now I have itchiness near my groin, could it be of the similar type of itchiness like my feet? What is it dr? How do i get rid of it? Thanks Dr.

5 years
Hi there and I appreciate your kind question. From your descriptions above you are most likely experiencing a condition called jock itch. Jock itch is caused by a group of fungus named tinea cruris. These fungi naturally stay on your skin and normally do not cause harms. But, when you are in sweat soaked clothes for example after exercising, the lengthy exposure to sweat can allow the tinea cruris to multiply quickly.
When you have an accumulation of tinea in your groin area, it causes the infection known which is know as jock itch. Tinea cruris that causes jock itch is infectious and highly contagious. You can obtain the fungal infection by close personal contact with an infected person or by contacting with the dirty clothing of an infected person. The term “jock itch” may give the impression that only athletes like yourself has a high tendency to develop the infection although it can happen to anyone.
Those who are overweight are more likely to have jock itch because the fungus can grow in folds of skin, which are tend to sweat. As a preventive step, it is important to wash with soap and warm water in your groin and armpit areas frequently. Jock itch can also be triggered by friction from clothes and prolonged exposure to moisture.
In most cases, jock itch can be managed at home. You can do the following steps to get rid of the fungus:
-Apply an over the counter cream, powder, or even spray to the affected area
-Clean the affected area with soap and warm water.
-Dry the affected area thoroughly after exercising and bathing
-Change clothes and undergarments frequently during day
-Wear a loose cotton clothing
Please click on this link (DoctorOnCall) to talk to us privately online and discuss further about your symptoms and treatment needed. Thank you.