3 years
Dealing with acne for 5years
Good morning doctor, I’m a 23years old guys who suffer acne for 5year. I had use fach wash, moisturizer and other product etc… I also go government hospital for y acne issue… they offer me benzoyl peroxide and antibiotics but it doesn’t work at all… I see on the internet that all lot of people who deal with acne had cure because of a DRUG call accutane… I had no longer way to cure my acne… It’s make me no-confidence and depress.

Dr Nur Syuhada binti Zulkifli,
3 years
Hello and good morning
Thank you for your question.
Based on your explanation, I understand that you are worry about your acne problem and you want to know if you can use Accutane as a treatment.
For your information, every medication or supplement that was given by the doctors are based on particular indication. The doctor need to know more about your medical history and need to do a thorough physical examination before making a conclusion about your problem and if it is suitable to prescribe accutane. You need to take the medication based on the doctor’s instruction because every medicine has their own side effects.
I hope the above statement does help you in a way and if you need further assistance and explanations from us, you can talk to our doctor or our specialist online. Thank you.
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