3 years
Fungal acne all over my body ( under arms, breasts, thighs, stomach area )
Ive been having the fungal for quite some time. The scars are still there. Any creams that I can use to remove the scars?

3 years
Hi and thank you for asking us
Through the question and statement you gave on the above section, you are having acne problems all over your body. We understand your concern and we will try to help you over this matter.
For your information, body acne can be cause by certain factors such as:
- Excess oil production on sebaceous glands or excessive consumption of oily food (fried in particular).
- Clogged hair follicles by oil or dead skin.
- Poor skin hygiene which cause bacterial infection
- Hormonal factors: excessive secretion of androgens.
If it does not heal, the symptoms might be cause by serious conditions that needs to be further inspect by the doctor such as:
- Foliculitis is an inflammation of the hair follicles
- Dermatitis
- Infectious diseases such as dengue fever, HIV, and chickenpox.
- Allergic reactions to some drugs
- Disease of the hair follicles is urticaria
- Vasculitis
I would highly recommend you to speak with our doctor via teleconsultation for further assessment and evaluation.
We hope this answers your questions. Thank You
Click here to talk with our doctor.