5 years
Diarrhea food poisoning
How many mg of charcoal tablets can i take at 1 go? Each tablet is 250mg.

5 years
Thank you for your questions. The following answers regarding your current queries are just general descriptions due to the limited information provided by you. Click on this link (DoctorOnCall) for a private consultation with our doctors.
First and foremost, we truly understand your concerns regarding your symptoms and other health problems you might be facing. Based on the guideline and recommendation for managing a diarrhoea or food poisoning case, the patient needs to consume a sufficient amount of water or Oral Rehydration Salt for each episode of diarrhoea because diarrhoea can be self-limiting. Hence, Charcoal tablet is only taken when the diarrhoea is uncontrollable or affecting your daily activities. Taking medication during diarrhoea may lead to unwanted side effects.
In order for us to provide you with an accurate choice of treatment and management, we need additional details to explore further into your current complaints. Therefore, we greatly suggest that you refer this to your nearest medical doctor. You may also click on this link (DoctorOnCall) to speak with our doctors online for free. We assure you that our conversations are kept in confidentiality unless additional consultation needed with other medical parties. Thank you.