5 years
Feel itchy in private part
Feel itchy in private part for 2 days.

Dr Nur Syuhada binti Zulkifli,
5 years
Hello, thank you for asking. The answer is a general description of the problem you’re having. Please click on this link (DoctorOnCall) to speak with us.
Based on the above information, we understand your concern about the problem you’re having. For your kind information, your description of complaints still lack some details. It would be of best interest if you can explain further of your gender as there is a different cause for male and female. Also, if there is any skin color changes, any discharge or any rashes that occurs too. In general, itchiness in private part can be caused by a variety of things. These include:
- Venereal diseases
- Bacterial, fungal or viral skin infections
- Allergy to clothing material
- Lack of hygiene
- Acne on the skin
To find the cause, further information and physical examination should be done. You are therefore advised to refer to this matter further. You can click on this link (DoctorOnCall) to talk to our doctor online for further advice. Thank you.