5 years
Is this gonorrhea symptoms?
Yellow discharge from my urethra. I don’t feel anyting except burning sensation during urinating. I think it’s gonorrhoea.

5 years
Hi and thanks for your question. In your question you mentioned you had 2 symptoms, a yellowish discharge and burning sensation during urination and you suspect it is gonorrhea. However, allow me to offer a few alternative causes which include urinary tract infection, chlamydia and trichomonas or sometimes rarely, herpes. All these diseases are often accompanied by pain, increase urination frequency, and itching.
Sexually transmitted disease – a disease that is transmitted via oral, vaginal or anal sex, needles, childbirth, or breastfeeding. It is contracted via a few ways, namely: -
- Having unprotected sex with an infected person
- Skin to skin contact with someone who has been affected by HPV
- Sharing of towels, sheets or clothes can increase the chance of trichomonas infection
- Sharing needles or razors
Urinary Tract Infection – Bacterial infection of the urethra, bladder, ureter, or kidneys caused most commonly by a bacterium known as E. coli. It is contracted via a few ways, namely: -
- Not urinating after sexual activity
- Not urinating when there is an urge to
- Urinating through a catheter
- Prolonged periods of immobility
Please seek help and advice from your doctor as delay would worsen any of these conditions. Thank you.