4 years
Foot pain and swollen
Im female 30th this year,but facing many health issues and can see the changes on my body. Lately from 1 month ago my heel bones are swollen on both legs. Walk or standing giving pain,even try to stand from my sitting place it painful also. Its redish,every nite before off to bed i applied any oinment to reduce the pain but the next day the pain is there again. 2nd is on top of my foot is swollen and pain. 3rd is under my 2nd toe is pain like pressing with something. All this causing because of my weight? My weight is 62 now and my height is 156cm.
I got ovarian cyst problem since 2013, and fibro myalgia. Got treated for my cyst but still facing the same problem.

4 years
Hi and thank you for asking us
Through the question and statement you gave on the above section, i completely understand your concern over this matter. For your information there are a few conditions that might cause the problems you are facing such as:
- plantar fascitis. It is due to when too much pressure are applied to the tendon
- sprains
- fracture
- achiles tendonitis It is due to the inflammation of the tendon due to overuse
- bursitis. Fluid sacs around the joint, tendon and muscle tissue
- reactive arthritis. It is the inflammation of joints
An examination should be done to get a proper diagnosis. For your condition as you explain from the above statement, I advice you to seek a doctor at your nearest clinic so that you can get a medicine that could ease the pain and reduce the swelling.
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If you have any more enquiries, you can click on the link (DoctorOnCall) and speak to our doctors in private and get the consultation you need on the phone. Thank you.