
3 years

Knee pain twisted, cannot walk

mum - 70+ took a step up- i think twisted, now knee pain cannot walk – if do not want to go hospital - what else can we do - take pain killer, massage oil, acupuncture, apply accustop-- or is it a must to go hospital - will doc on call help by doing house call - is there any injection to help?

Thank you for your query.

For your information, a fall or joint injury among elderly should be taken seriously. Based on the mechanism of injury above, there are a few injury possibilities that can happen at the knee.These injuries can be:

  • ACL tear
  • LCL tear
  • Patella fracture
  • Meniscus injury
  • Knee sprain

As listed above, these are just a general idea of what can happen. We are unable to suggest definitive treatment or diagnosis because there was not enough information about the symptoms, physical examination and no x-ray result.

Still have weak knees? Get all the strength you need for your daily activities

We suggest that these kind of injury to be brought to your doctors or book an online consultation with our doctors. We hope this answer helps you.
Thank you.

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