4 years
My cholestrol levels
Dr, I recently went to a roadshow by Nestle Omega Plus and they checked my cholestrol levels and told me that it is high (6.8). They suggested me to buy their milk powder. I am concern about my health, should i start taking medicine and will the milk help reduce my cholestrol??

5 years
Hello and thank you for the question regarding your medical concern. First and foremost I would like to inform you about your cholesterol level and then we will get into details about how it increases in a body host, how to prevent it and what are the possible treatments you can pursue in order to reduce the levels down to normal range.
Normally the level of cholesterol should be ranging lesser than 5.0; anything exceeding this number is considered high. There are three levels and your readings show that your cholesterol levels are very high. Cholesterol is the waxy substance that is found in the form of fats in your blood.
These are required to help in building healthy cells and the energy to your muscles. But, when you are subjected to high cholesterol, there maybe a development of fat deposits in your blood streams, thus, making it harder for the blood to flow through your arteries. This restricts the heart from getting the amount of oxygen it requires to function properly thus causing heart diseases.
Similarly, decreased flow of blood to your brain can also cause strokes in the worst case. The first and foremost advice I would give you would be the change in lifestyle. Introduce healthy food with less focus on high cholesterol products like fast food, deep fried items and high carbohydrate products such as white rice. Introduce a healthy sleeping cycle with minimum of 6 hours of sleep in one stretch.
Try this for 2 to 4 weeks and then get yourself tested for cholesterol again. If the reading is still high, then consult a physician who will start you with a medication. From then onward, it will be in your hands how to control it. I hope this answer helped you with your query.
Please click on this link (DoctorOnCall) to talk to us privately online and discuss further about your symptoms and treatment needed. Thank you.