
4 years

Najis darah berlendir

15month,girl, mild blood in stool for 3days, diarrhea for the past 5days(4-5x) normally 2-3x a day. Decrease appetite. No fever, baby is active. History of fever 7days ago for 2days relieved by syrup pcm. Being monitor by myself at home. In this condition, do i need to seek treatment? Or any otc drugs i can get from phramacy?

Good afternoon, thank you for contacting us.

We understand your concern regarding your daughter. According to your statement, we advice you to bring her to see the doctor as soon as possible as this condition needs urgent attention by the doctors as you mentioned there is blood in stool, having diarrhea and reduced appetite.

There are few causes why your child is having such conditions such as:

  • Intusussception
  • Acute gastroenteritis
  • Food poisoning

Boost your children’s immunity and let them explore.

Give your little ones the medical attention they need. Speak to a pediatrician to discuss your child’s health problems.

If you have any doubts, please contact us in DoctorOnCall for further explanation by our doctors, thank you.


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