3 years
Penile length short and girth size is small
Im a men in 21years old and im suffered from short in penile length and small girth size in both flaccid 4cm (7cm circumference) and erect 7cm (12cm circumference). I would like to ask any method can be used to increase both penile length and girth size ? Im considering for a safe and effective surgical method.any certified hospital or urologist is recommended for my case? Im so depressed when my penile is smaller than the normal one… and any side effect or compilations if surgical is chosen? I have tried with the so called penile extender and the vacuum pump with supplement for 2 years and it doesnt have any promising result and seems no different in changes both penile length and girth size. Suspension ligament surgery seems leaving scar and lower the angle of erection, any surgery will make the result good in permanently, safe , effective and good looking for both flaccid and erect?
Thank you doctor!!!

3 years
Hello, thank you for your enquiry.
For your information, the size, length and width of penile will not affect its functions or fertility. The stiffness and ejaculatory function are far more important than the size. Therefore, if you can function well, it should not be a problem, do not lower your self-esteem.
Furthermore, the average penile size for Asians is 4.3 inches on erection. If you are still worried or uneasy on your measurements, you can refer this problem to a urology specialist for further clarification, advices and assistances.
All surgical procedures will have a certain degree of risks and side effects, do discuss with the urologist on the pros and cons of having a penile enhancement surgery.
For more information, you may contact us for an online consultation for further assistance as well.
Thank you, we hope our answer has been helpful.
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