3 years
Sexual Issues for Men
I am a 30 year old man and currently facing problems whereby i am unable to ejaculate from intercourse as the feeling is not the same as when I’m masturbating. I’ve read somewhere that said it could be a conditional issue because i could ejaculate during masturbation but not during intercourse. So is it true or it could be other underlying conditions? Thank you in advance!

Dr Nur Syuhada binti Zulkifli,
3 years
Hello, thank you for your enquiry.
For your information, the symptoms you having may due to several causes, such as:
- Mental issue (stress, anxiety, conditional due to over masturbation)
- Prostate problem
- Diabetes
- Hormonal imbalance
- Urinary tract disease
- Vascular disease
- Smoking, alcohol and certain medication such as antidepressant.
To find out the cause and diagnosis for your case, a more detailed history is needed, as well as a proper clinical examinations and relevant investigations. Therefore, you need to refer this problem to your doctor as soon as possible for further information, then only a proper treatment plan can be given.
You may contact us for an online consultation for further assistance as well.
Thank you, we hope our answer has been helpful.
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