
3 years

Psoriasis onmy scalp

How do I control my psoriasis? I used a beprosalic lotion spray once everyday and still not okay. Do you suggest any medication or perhaps supplements for this disease. Its very uncomfortable.

Thank you for contacting us regarding your query.

We understand you are struggling with psoriasis, we will try to help you out.

Beprosalic lotion is a common treatment for psoriasis, we’re unable to prescribe you medication without a complete medical history. Treatment for psoriasis depends on the severity of the disease and the response to previous treatments. However, we can provide some steps that you can try to reduce your symptoms.

  1. Use products containing salicylic acid or selenium sulphide to wash your hair.
  2. Use wet towels or cold packs on itchy spots

We encourage you to speak to a doctor for a more suitable treatment.

Thank you, we hope that this answer has been helpful.

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