4 years
Small amount bleeding with vaginal discharge
Hello dr. I am 22 years old, unmarried yet and never do sexual intercoast. My first period was during 14 years old. My menstrual cycle was normal during my high school but the period length started to increase up to 14-15 days and sometimes more than that during 18 years old until now. But the problem is my period length for last month was 24 days. And right now, it still bleeding but in very small amount together with vaginal discharge. This condition also happened during 2018 up to 2 months. I was consulted with dr during that time and she gave me pills to stop the bleeding. I don’t know what is it name but the pills is red-yellow bullet. I consumed it for 3 days and the bleeding was stopped. And now, the condition is happening again. May i know if this is related with any disease and what is my next action towards this problem? Thank you in advance.

Dr Nur Syuhada binti Zulkifli,
4 years
Greetings. However, the following description regarding the query is a general description to your current condition. Click on this link (DoctorOnCall) to converse with our doctors for further personalised explanation.
Based on your description we understood your concerns on your symptoms and problems you have been facing. For your information, the condition of menorrhagia or prolonged period can be multi-factorial causes such as:
- fibroid or polyp within the uterus
- adenomyosis
- endometriosis
- pelvic inflammatory diseases
- blood clotting disorder such as Von Willebrand disease
- cancer of the cervix or uterus (more common in elderly group)
To further explore into your condition accurately, further information via discussion is required before reaching a conclusion. Therefore, it is suggested that you refer this to a medical doctor. Prolonged period may cause anemia. Please click on this link (DoctorOnCall) to speak with our doctors on the line for personalized online consultation. You may also consult a gynaecologist. A gynaecologist is an expert in the field of women’s health and period problems amongst others. You may speak to our panel of gynaecologist through this link (Specialist booking) via calls. Thank you.