4 years
Prolonged period and cramps
Hi there, I’m 27 years old female. I’ve been having lower stomach pain occasionally. My period hasn’t stopped fr months. Which means I’m having constant period fr about 6 months now, even if it stop it stops fr few weeks n continue bleeding. I went to a gyne n did ultrasound, they didn’t have much to say. Should I be worried as few of my doctor friends are suggesting this could be cancer as my family does HV cancer history, my dad passed away from liver cancer last year.

4 years
Greetings. However, the following description regarding the query is a general description to your current condition. Click on this link (DoctorOnCall) to converse with our doctors for further personalised explanation.
Based on your description we understood your concerns on your symptoms and problems you have been facing. For your information, the condition of menorrhagia or prolonged period can be multi-factorial causes such as:
- fibroid or polyp within the uterus
- adenomyosis
- endometriosis
- pelvic inflammatory diseases
- blood clotting disorder such as Von Willebrand disease
- cancer of the cervix or uterus (more common in elderly group)
the probable reason you are feeling tired probably caused by losing lots of blood through menses. You could try iron rich food such as red meat, green vegetables such spinach, tofu and lentils. However seeking a doctor is best to solve your issues
To further explore into your condition accurately, further information via discussion is required before reaching a conclusion. Therefore, it is suggested that you refer this to a medical doctor. Please click on this link (DoctorOnCall) to speak with our doctors on the line for personalized online consultation. Thank you.