3 years
Supplement intake affect my period
I’m single woman in my late 20s. I take fish oil + primrose oil Blackmore’s supplement for the first time before. But my period came late for 2 weeks so I decided to stop. Still, my period came almost 2 weeks later. So almost a month my period didn’t come. My next period is also a bit weird. My pms is a bit severe than usual for like 3 days but my period still didn’t come. After i did some stomach exercise and consume coke only did the period came. My next period also the same. Is this normal ? Should i continue to take this supplement as I need supplement for my dry and sensitive skin and eczema.

3 years
Hello and thank you for using our services
We truly understand your concern with regard to your current condition which is irregular periods. We will try our best to help you.
Generally, there are various causes of irregular menstruation such as:
- Stress disorders
- Unstable hormones (due to medications or disease disorders)
- Sudden weight loss or increase
- Exercises that do not comply with the correct guidelines
- Hormonal contraceptives: Contraceptive pills or IUCD
- Use of certain medications or medical procedure of the reproductive organs
However, it can also be caused by other serious conditions that might need further evaluation from a doctor , including:
- Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
- Thyroid disorder
- Thickening or polyps on the lining of the uterus and uterine fibroids
You are recommended to speak with our doctor via teleconsultation who can assess your symptoms and offer further advice.
We hope this answers your questions. Thank You
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