
3 years

Symptomatic casual contact

Hi, i hv been notified that im a casual contact just now, 24th April 2021, but not sure when exactly is the contact. The issue is, i am already feeling ill since 21st April 2021 (fever 38’, sorethroat, body ache, nausea vomiting). So, does this related to the casual contact or i just monitor for new symptom to develop next 10 days?
Thank you

Thanks for your question.

We understand your concerns regarding the outbreak we are experiencing now, especially regarding a potential close contact of COVID-19

Want further clarification from an expert? Our Internal Medicine Specialist is ready to help.

Generally, ‘casual contact’ means that you are likely to be exposed to other individuals who are infected with COVID-19. However, based on the MySejahtera SOP, you will be contacted by the Department of Health and asked to perform a screening test when you have been categorized as ‘close contact’ to a COVID-19 Positive case.

Therefore, for now, you are advised to be vigilant and continue practising the new norms recommended by the MOH. Do take note of any further information presented through the MySejahtera application. You are very much welcome to practice temporary room isolation as a viable precautionary measure for the time being.

For your information, the WHO lists the common symptoms for COVID-19 infection as follows:

  • Fever (more than 37.5 degrees Celsius)
  • Fatigue
  • Cough
  • Body aches
  • Sore throat
  • Headache
  • Shortness of breath

With regards to your current sore throat , body aches, nausea & vomiting, although it could be a sign of other underlying ailments in conjunction with a common flu, it is still best that you contact the nearest clinic to get checked & screened out. You can also click this link to request the COVID-19 screening test directly from us.

You may also contact the Crisis Preparedness and Response Center (CPRC). In addition, continue the routine of regular hand hygiene, practice social/physical distancing, wear face masks outdoors and adhere to other pandemic SOPs.

CPRC Line:
[email protected]

I also encourage you to answer this quiz on Risk Assessment for COVID-19 from time to time to assess your current health status in relation to this disease.

Get the rest you need with quality sleep.

In addition, you can also contact our doctors directly online using the following link. (DoctorOnCall). Thank you.


Please visit to get the latest information and guidelines regarding COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccination

To Book Private COVID-19 Vaccination, Click Here

To Book COVID-19 PCR/RTK Test, Click Here

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