3 years
Syphilis Tested Positive
Hello, I’ve tested positive 1:16 for TPPA on May 2020. I immediately went to hospital and consult the doctor. The doctor advise me to have Penicillin Injection 3 doses for 3 weeks. After the treatment, I got tested VDRL titre 1:32. Then later, the doctor suggest me to have Doxycycline for 14 days. After the treatment, the VDRL titre decrease two fold from 1:32 to 1.16. Later period of another 3 months, I have tested VDRL resulted 1:8. Then, On April 2021 I had tested for VDRL and it become 1:16 again.
- Can the syphilis tested negative after treatment?
- Will I always have positive result on syphilis infection even after it cured ?
- If I treated, am I contagious to others while have protected sex ?
- Can TPPA or TPHA result in Negative after treatment ?
- Do syphilis antibody remain in my blood forever permanently?
So many myths and online articles are confusing me. Help me to clear my confusion. Thank you so much!

3 years
Hello and thank you for addressing your concern.
According to your statement, we believe a thorough clerking, investigation and examination needs to be done first on our behalf, in order to clearly understand what we are facing at the moment. Correspondingly, the given information by you might only touched the surface of an underlying problem.
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Notably, there are many other criteria that are equally vital in diagnosing a patient, that usually includes
- clerking & history taking
- risk factor evaluation
- physical examination
- laboratory & other diagnostical findings
However, in answering your question
- Yes, unless a secondary infection or reinfection were to occur.
- It will depend on which type of clinical testing or findings was used.
- If you have been treated for syphilis, you are usually required to avert having sex for at least 7 days after post-treatment.
- While it is presumably expedient that the TPPA test will reach a negative result after treatment, in a certain situation, it will not necessarily reflect your current viral load.
- Yes, syphilis antibody will most likely remain in the blood circulation for a very long time (if not for life)
In need of further explanation from a specialist? Our Internal Medicine Specialist are here to help
With that being said I hope you would take the extra initiative discuss further with your doctor or to contact our doctor using this link (DoctorOnCall) in order to maximise the help that you can get.