
3 years

I feel something circulate in my body + bila baring jantung degup laju

Everytime i baring, my heart beat akan jadi laju. My body feel weak. Macam ada something circulate in my body. Already done my blood test, ecg but nothing serious.

Hi, thank you for your question.

We sincerely understand your concern regarding the rapid heartbeat you are experiencing. Do not worry, we will try our best to comfort you.

From your complaints, your conditions might have multifactorial causes, such as:

  • Lifestyle
  • smoking.

Nevertheless, it can also be caused by other serious health conditions, include:

  • Heart problems such as atrial fibrillation (a condition where the heart beats fast and irregularly.
  • Blood problems such as anaemia. Anaemia is a condition where there is low haemoglobin levels ( a protein responsible to transport oxygen throughout the body)
  • Psychiatric issues such as anxiety and panic attacks
  • Thyroid problems

You are recommended to speak with our doctor via teleconsultation who can assess your symptoms and offer further advice.

We hope this answer helps you. Thank you

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