4 years
Heart Suddenly Beating Hard and Fast
Recently I felt my heart is beating hard and fast for a short period of time. This happened to me for pass few weeks.
Is this condition early sign of Cardio Arrest symptom?

3 years
Hi and thank you for asking us
Through the question and statement you gave on the above section, i completely understand your concern over this matter. For your information, Increase heart rate also known as tachycardia is when heart rate exceed 100 beats per minute. This symptom could be caused by many factors such as:
- Heart problems such as atrial fibrillation (a condition where the heart beats fast and irregularly.
- Blood problems such as anaemia. Anaemia is a condition where there is low haemoglobin levels ( a protein responsible to transport oxygen throughout the body)
- Psychiatric issues such as anxiety and panic attacks
- Thyroid problems
- Lifestyle and smoking.
I advise you to go to the nearest clinic if you’re suffering any of these symptoms:
- chest pain
- difficulty breathing
- numbness around the arm, shoulder or neck
- feel like fainting
- vomiting
Although this is a general explanation over this matter, i advise you to seek and consult any doctor if the symptom worsen. If you have any more enquiries, you can click on the link (DoctorOnCall) and speak to our doctors in private and get the consultation you need on the phone. Thank you.
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