4 years
I’ve had bad skin problem especially on my thighs
I’ve had bad skin problem especially on my thighs, I have an eczema on that area but now it leaves a black mark on my thighs. I tried so many whitening products already but it still there. Should I go for a laser treatment or what?

5 years
Hi and thank you for the question. I understand it is an uncomfortable situation to be in with the symptoms that are going on your skin. As we all know eczema is one of the common conditions of atopy that can be inherited within family members. Your GP may prescribe oral drugs to people with eczema that does not have in one specific area on the body.
Those who do not respond to creams treatment may also benefit from taking oral drugs. These medications work by reducing the immune system’s response, which can aid to decrease the severity of eczema problems.Examples of oral medications a doctor may prescribe to reduce eczema symptoms include:
-oral corticosteroids
-immunomodulatorsWhile all the above medications may help to reduce the symptoms of eczema, they can give some severe side effects, including an infection risk, nausea, vomiting and high blood pressure. There can also be an end organ failure such as kidney or liver damage, depending on the specific medications.
As a result, these drugs are typically used for a short period of time to reduce severe symptoms. Medications that can cause down turn your immune system such as cyclosporine, methotrexate, and mycophenolate mofetil are also can be used. They can help keep your body’s defenses from reacting overly. You can consume them in the form of pills, liquids, or as a shot.
They can aid patient with moderate or severe eczema when other treatments did not worked. However you should take these medicines only for a short period of time to limit the risk for these problems. If you have any other problems in the future, please let me know.
Please click on this link (DoctorOnCall) to talk to us privately online and discuss further about your symptoms and treatment needed. Thank you.