4 years
I have eczema and it’s starting to flare up
I have eczema and it’s starting to flare up. I don’t have any medications for it and use to take steroids cream to treat it

5 years
Hi, thank you for you question. I understand that your eczema is flaring up. Do you know what is triggering your flare-up? If you do, stop taking or using the irritant at once. Treating eczema is tricky. Most times, corticosteroids (topical or oral) are used to bring down your symptoms and provide fast relief. As potent as steroids are in dealing with your problem, they also carry a host of side effects.It must be used sparingly and with great caution.
You may be able to get steroid creams and ointments of low concentrations from your local pharmacy. If those do not work, you will need to see a doctor to help you with prescribed ointments and oral medications for your condition. Topical steroids thins out your skin, stretch marks and may cause discolouration to the affected area.
Oral steroids, especially if used for a long period of time may cause high blood pressure, unusual weight gain, weakened immune system and Cushing’s syndrome.
While waiting out for the effects of the steroids to kick in, try and reduce the severity of your flare-up with simple ways. Avoid overheating and sweating. Use clothes that are cotton and absorbable to ensure your sweat is absorbed.
Try your best to avoid scratching. This induces the scarring mechanism and leaves you with an unsightly patch once the rash settles down. You will also prevent further breakdown of your skin when you avoid scratching. This would effectively prevent secondary infection which may worsen your problem.
Always keep your skin moisturized with emollients and lotions. Avoid taking long hot showers as it will further dry out the skin. Eczema can be an annoying condition to go through and it is sometimes hard to treat. Hopefully, this gives you ideas on what you can do for your skin.
Please click on this link (DoctorOnCall) to talk to us privately online and discuss further about your symptoms and treatment needed. Thank you.