4 years
Diarrhea in 1 year and 4 months old boy
Hi, my son is 1 year old and 4 months old. Been having diarrhea since Wednesday. 3-5 times daily. Feeding as usual. Active. No sign of dehydration. Been planning to give smecta/hidrasec. Should I be worried or it is a usual thing when sending them to nursery?

Dr Nur Syuhada binti Zulkifli,
4 years
Hi, thank you for reaching out to us.
For your information, diarrhea in toddler needs medical attention. Based on your inquiry, we understand your concern about him and there are few reasons why he is having such condition:
- Acute gastroenteritis
- Food poisoning
- Active bowel movement
For the time being, you may give him extra fluid or oral rehydration salt and please monitor his symptoms. Please seek medical attention immediately if he is showing this signs:
- Drinks eagerly
- Weak and fatigue
- Dry skin
- Unable to tolerate or refused to be fed
- Having fever
Boost your children’s immunity and let them explore the world.
This is our general impression on why is your child is having such symptoms. If you are in doubt, please go to the nearest clinic or hospital so he can be assessed and treated accordingly. Alternatively you can contact us at (DoctorOnCall) to get a second opinion from our doctors via phone call. We will value your privacy. Thank you.