3 years
Hiv/aids possibility
I’m a 29yo woman. My dad diagnosed with hiv and died because of hiv related diseases on 2000- i was 8 and my mom died on 2008 also with the same problem. I was 16 at that time. Got a brother and a sister below me. My dad was a drug-addicted and thats how he gets hiv. So apparently I’m getting married and somehow this troubling me a lot. Been 21years since dad gone, and 13years my mom gone. Done hiv tests when i was kids and it was -ve (or so I believe, long time already) so big concern are on our health status. Can’t simply went and check, so i need some advices. Based on the timeline, what do you think doc? Is it possible for us to be in the same situation? Pls help me.

3 years
Thank you for your query.
Based on the question above, we understand that you are worried regarding your HIV status. Since you are getting married soon, this test is a compulsory and now you want some advice and reassurance. We will try to help you.
For your information, HIV test are very accurate. The 4th generation can even pick-up 99% of infection as early as 6 weeks post-contact. As we understand, both your parents were positive HIV. You have also done the test when you were 8 and it was negative. It is less likely for your test to be positive in the future because if you have contacted HIV since in the womb, the test you did would already be positive.
However, we did not have your detailed history. So telling the result will surely be negative is very premature. We don’t know whether you have any bodily fluids exchange with a known HIV individuals after the test when you were 8 years old.
What we can advice is, HIV nowadays are not a death sentence. There are many people living as a family with HIV partners. With careful and cautious steps, HIV positive couple can even have a HIV negative baby.
If you are still unsure, there are many home-test kit for HIV. You can do this anonymously without involvement of authorities.
For more question, we advice you to contact your doctors or our healthcare professional via online consultation. Hope this answer your question.
Thank you.
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