3 years
I have eye problem because of itchy eyes and redness
I have itchy eye and red eye.The itchy became worst when i wake up in the morning.my eye feel dry and causing uncomfortable all the time

3 years
Thank you for choosing us to get an opinion regarding your health issues.
Based on your explanations, you are having itchiness and redness of the eyes that became worse when you wake up in the morning.
For your information, Itchy eyes are a common ocular symptom. This symptom can be associated with eye redness, frequent eye rubbing, lid swelling, photophobia and blurred vision. The commonest causes of eye itchiness are allergic conjunctivitis, blepharitis and dry eye.
You need to seek medical advice for an accurate diagnosis and early treatments to prevent any unfavorable situations
I hope the above statement does help you in a way and if you need further assistance and explanations from us, you can talk to our doctor or our specialist online. Thank you.
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