3 years
Refractive error of eye
Hi doctor, my friend has refractive error of eye and he is 20 years old. Can I know the symptoms and can it be recover and what’s the treatment?

Dr Nur Syuhada binti Zulkifli,
3 years
Thank you for your query.
For your information, refractive errors are fairly common nowadays. It can be due to aging, poor maintenance of eye health, genetics and many more.
3 options in order to correct refractive error. These includes:
- Spectacles. Commonly available to correct most refractive error. Lenses can be cater to specific long or short-sightedness.
- Contacts made from rigid gas-permeable or soft hydrophilic materials. Application is on the surface of your cornea. It can also ordered for specific refractive corrections. You have to clean and use them safely to avoid severe complications.
- Surgery. Some types of surgery such as LASIK (laser-assisted insitu keratomileusis). This surgery helps to reshape your cornea and correct the refractive error.
We recommend to have a check at an optometrist for the refractive error and treat it accordingly. You can also refer your problem to an eye doctor or our doctors via online consultations. Hope this answer helps you.
Thank you.
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