3 years
My other eye is not straight
I am a 17 years old male teen. My left eye is not straight when I focus on far sight but my right eye is straight.

3 years
Hello and thank you for addressing your concern.
According to your statement, we believe a thorough clerking, investigation and examination needs to be done first in order to clearly understand what we are facing at the moment. Correspondingly, the given information by you might only touch the surface of an underlying problem.
For your information your condition might be leaning towards
- strabismus
- neurological disorder
- muscle abnormalities
- skew deviation
- hyperphoria
- and other related disorder
Needs further clarification from a specialist? Our Ophthalmologists arehere to help!
With that being said I hope you would take the extra initiative to contact our doctor using this link (DoctorOnCall) in order to maximise the help that you can get.