3 years
Period after giving birth (c-zer)
Hi. Im a women. Im 26 years old. I’ve been giving birth to my daughter on April 2021. Now my daughter is 5months++. Im a fully breastfeed mom since my daughter is 2 months old until now. Before that, i give her formula milk too. On last September, i was having a period but it only for one day. Is it normal for fully bf mom to have her period as early as 5 months postpartum? And is it normal is only for one day? Fyi, im not taking any pills to avoid pregnancy and what not and im also still not having an intercourse with my husband yet. Please advise.

Dr Nur Syuhada binti Zulkifli,
3 years
Hello, thank you for your enquiry.
Based on your description, we understand you have had 1 day of menstrual bleed after 6 months since your childbirth, on breastfeeding, not using any contraceptive pills. We will try to help you.
For your information, it is normal to have menstrual bleed during breastfeeding. All ladies are different, but in general, some ladies will have their period return as early as 6 to 8 weeks after childbirth without breastfeeding; those on breastfeeding will delay their period longer due to prolactin, hormone secreted during breastfeeding, however, some may have their period returned as early as 3 months without contraceptive pills.
Therefore, period may return anytime during breastfeeding, which is normal and safe, will not affect your child and the process of your breastfeeding. As for your period which last for only 1 day, is also normal because your body will take time to adapt and adjust to the re-secretion of the hormones. It will eventually normalize after your body’s hormones were balanced.
For more information, you may refer this mater to your doctor or contact us for an online consultation for further assistance as well.
Thank you, we hope our answer has been helpful.
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