3 years
Sexual concerns : STD Possibility and Vaginal issue
Hi. Is it possible to be infected with any STDs with only one sexual partner?. For your information, my sexual partner has done it with me only and we always use condom. Other than that, I noticed there are 2 clusters of white-ish tiny spots on my labia that can only be seen when you spread out the skin. But in original state, my vagina & labia looks fine. These tiny spots are painless and it feel smooth when touched. It do not affecting my health in any way. I feel fine. No itchiness, pain or unusual discharge from the spots. My urinary process is also okay. These spots have been there for few days and it seems like there is no worrying progression. Just remain the same, white-ish tiny spots. I am concern because I never seen it before eventhough it is painless. I wonder, is it fordyce spots?. Thank you in advance.

Dr Nur Syuhada binti Zulkifli,
3 years
Hello, thank you for your enquiry.
For your information, it is very unlikely to be infected with STD with only 1 partner and with protection, condom. Other than that, STDs usually will have a serial of symptoms such as local irritation, pain, itchiness, foul smelling discharge, abnormal bleeding and so on.
Fordyce spots are benign, asymptomatic tiny spots may be found on the genitalia, lips and other parts of the body. It can be left untreated, it is not harmful, but you may request to remove it as well in consideration of cosmetic purpose.
You may refer your problem to a gynaecologist to have a proper examination and to confirm your condition.
You may contact us for an online consultation for further assistance as well.
Thank you, we hope our answer has been helpful.
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