Sore Throat

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Sore Throat

Itchy throat and cough for 1 month

4 years

22 y/o female,have had itchy throat and non-continuous coughing for 1 month. Sometimes I have sore throat,but i think it has been relieved ever since I took Augmentin 625mg BD.i took the antibio…

- Anonymous
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Sore Throat

Chest pain, dry throat

4 years

Chest pain for 2 week(sometime left sometime right, on off on off like that, these few days more frequent ).nowadays, I feel my throat was dry (before this, my throat got something stuck inside…

- Anonymous
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Sore Throat

Phlegm, Blocked Sinus, tonsil’s feel swollen and feels heavy at the diaphragm area

4 years

Age 46, Unsure to do the test. Have not been overseas and no known contact with person positive cover -19. I have sleep apnea. The back of my throat constantly feel like there is phlegm and my…

- Anonymous
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Sore Throat

Bloody Sore throat, chest ache

4 years

I am a 31 years old male, on 30/Mar/2020 I took a PCR test on a private clinic and tested negative (E gene not detected). However starting from yesterday 6/April/2020 I got a really bad sore th…

- Anonymous
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Sore Throat

Mild sore throat since 01/04 but i don’t feel the pain while eating & drinking, no cough and fever (36.9)

4 years

hello doctor, i am having mild sore throat since 01/04, went to normal clinic for check up, the doc gave antibiotic and medicine for sputum. However, sore throat and sputum remains. I can’t say…

- Anonymous
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Sore Throat

Chest pain/uncomfortable after cough and sorethroat begin to subside

4 years

Male, 33 years old. Having sore throat and cough last month. Begin to subside 2 weeks ago after seek treatment, however also start to have (only LEFT side) chest pain/uncomfortable/feel heavy. I…

- Anonymous
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Sore Throat

Mild sore throat, no fever and flu

4 years

Im 26 b years old and woke up today with a mild sore throat. I had no fever and no body ache. I had no contact with covid patient nor i have been to overseas. Ive been staying at home since the …

- Anonymous
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Sore Throat

Sore throat (mild cough due to throat itchy) and tired neck

4 years

No fever, no breathing difficulty and I’m not sure if I have fatigue problem but the body feelign is weird (apparently I still energetic). Just to ensure this is not an early sign of Covid-19. Thank y…

- yhmah1
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Sore Throat

Slightly burned,sore throat

4 years

I’m 29years old…female…19/3…I have slightly burned n ,Chest pain…after eated medicine i fell better…now I fell but now I fell have Sore throat…

- Anonymous
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Sore Throat

Hard breathing and sore throat

4 years

Hi, I am having some hard breathing problem since 17/3/2020, I went to check it out at clinic and went through the ecg test, doctor said that was hyperventilation, but i started to have sore thr…

- Anonymous
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Sore Throat

咳嗽, 喉咙很痒,没发烧和呼吸困难,差不多要两个星期了

4 years


- Anonymous
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Sore Throat

Sore throat, a mild cough and a feeling of chest tightness

4 years

Hello doctor, may I have seen a sore throat and a slight cough in the clinic before (about 14/03), but now I have a sore throat, a mild cough, and chest tightness. Do I need to go to the hospital or r…

- huishan5030
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Sore Throat

Throat is feeling blocked

4 years

Hi, I’m female aged 24 & all of a sudden my throat feels blocked. I have no known allergies & I didn’t eat anything out of the usual. Just started feeling this earlier this evening (29/3 at arou…

- Anonymous
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Sore Throat

Sore throat , body arch, headache , running nose , short of breath but no fever yet

4 years

Hi, i am Steve 37 years old been experience the following symptom which is sore throat, body arching, running nose and blockage , short of breath but no fever yet . Been to clinic and take some …

- Anonymous
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Sore Throat

I having sore throat and mild fever with shivering at night

4 years

Hi,I’m male 46yo. For the pass few days I had mild sore throat (no swallow difficulty but feeling irritating on right side wall of my tongue) & chilling and shivering at night. I went to clinic at 27 …

- eugeneyapnote3
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Sore Throat

Dry cough sore throat without phlegm

4 years

i am a girl 19 years old 167cm 57kg i have already cough for one week and take so many medicine are not function but my cough not serious only feel like Itchy throat without phlegm what should i…

- Anonymous
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Sore Throat

Chest pain, mild dry, sore throat

4 years

I am a 22 years old woman who has just travelled back from the UK last Sunday. I have a mild dry, sore throat but I did not cough persistently. And these few days I felt myself to have a fever s…

- Anonymous
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Sore Throat

Selemesa & sakit tekak & stuck in throat & chest hurts

4 years

I am a 25 year old female. Colds and sore throats started on Friday. But feel better after eat medicine. Fever during these days, especially at night. Also, I feel a little stuck in my throat an…

- Anonymous
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Sore Throat

Sort throat and chest pain

4 years

Woman, aged 35. Having sort throat and chest pain but no fever and flu. can just go to the clinic for check-up?

- kd.saar0608
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Sore Throat

Neck pain, when press, feels like a lump

4 years

Hi, my neck is painful. Left side. When I press it, it feels painful. Ongoing for a few days now. If I press harder, feels like a lump is there and I am getting very worried. Just today, I have …

- Anonymous
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Sore Throat

Sore throat and coughIng

4 years

I’m 19 yrs old travelling back to my hometown today. I have sore throat and coughing since last night. So what should I do when I got home later ?

- Anonymous
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Sore Throat

Fever and sore throat

4 years

I am 33 year-old woman, currently having fever at 38.3, head and body ache and sore throat. No cough. No contacts with anyone from the gathering. Took paracetamol and temp is at 38.2. Should i b…

- Anonymous
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Sore Throat

Am I infected with influenza?

4 years

Mild sore throat, whole body muscle sore, feeling no energy, nasal mucus flowing backwards, heaty

- Anonymous
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Sore Throat

Sore throat, follow by cough, cough until lung discomfort

4 years

Woman age 60, has sore throat, follow by cough. See doctor and took medication. But coughing is getting serious. Sometimes cough until lung discomfort. But no fever, breathing ok. No go overseas in pa…

- louis8gcy11
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Sore Throat

Sore throat problem but no high fever

4 years

I had sore throat since three days ago and my sputum in yellow but i dont have the high fever and other symptoms of covid 19, so should i go for further checking?

- dannyng880
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Sore Throat

Slight sore throat and clogged nose with yellow mucus

4 years

Slight sore throat and clogged nose with yellow mucus. I have a slight headache but no fever. Temperature is 36.8C when I last checked an hour ago.

- oliee.db
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Sore Throat

Flu cough with yellow mucus. Blocked nasal

5 years

I will be taking sedilic Rx linctus. Will there be drowsiness and sleepiness when taking it? My job is a driver. Thanks

- tiongjin
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Sore Throat

Sore hroat in the morning, itchy throat causing coughing

5 years

37 yo, had sore throat this morning and now coughing with phlegm due itchy throat.

- beehoon.tan
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Sore Throat

Cola-coloured urine and sore throat

5 years

Hi doctor, my nephew had a cola-coloured urine 2 days ago. He had a sore throat about a week ago. Is it normal to have dark-coloured urine like that and will he have the same condition if he has sore …

- zulaiha
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Sore Throat

Feeling like choking on things and like something that blocking my throat, uncomfortable

5 years

I am 25 years old, since last week I’ve been feeling uncomfortable on my throat. It started when I went to a barista-like making coffee class. So after learning making coffee, of course you get a chan…

- Anonymous
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