
3 years

Feeling like choking on things and like something that blocking my throat, uncomfortable

I am 25 years old, since last week I’ve been feeling uncomfortable on my throat. It started when I went to a barista-like making coffee class. So after learning making coffee, of course you get a chance to taste it. So I took several sips and when I go back home, I started to feel uncomfortable mainly on my throat. This is not the first time because I felt like this too last time I drank a thick coffee several months ago. So two days after that, I ate nasi lemak with fried anchovies and I choked on a small anchovy and from that moment I have been feeling uncomfortable on my throat until today I haven’t see doctor because I am afraid. I am scared if doctor detects I’m having serious disease or anything dangerous. Please answer this and please help.

Thank you for your question. The following description regarding the query is a general description to your current condition. Click on this link (DoctorOnCall) to converse with our doctors for further personalised explanation.

Based on your description we understood your concerns on your symptoms and problems you have been facing. For your information, the feeling choked or blocked throat can have multifactorial causes such as:

  • Tonsillitis
  • Throat tumor
  • Inflammation of the throat
  • Globus pharyngeus - sensation of lump
  • There is a narrow part of the throat known as stricture

To further explore into your condition accurately, further information via discussion is required before reaching a conclusion. Therefore, it is suggested that you refer this to a medical doctor. Please click on this link (DoctorOnCall) to speak with our doctors on the line for personalised online consultation. Thank you.


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