
4 tahun

Chest pain, mild dry, sore throat

I am a 22 years old woman who has just travelled back from the UK last Sunday. I have a mild dry, sore throat but I did not cough persistently. And these few days I felt myself to have a fever since I have mouth ulcers these days but I did not because whenever I feel like getting a fever, I drank alot of water,take vitamin C and drank ginger water to cure it so I did not. But this situation keeps going on like this. And one more thing is when I touches around my breasts, it aches so I am not sure if this is chest pain. I am worried if I have been infected by the covid-19 so kindly advise my current situation. Thank you.

Dr Ramzdhan,

4 tahun


I understand your worry since you are suffering from sore throat. This symptom can be caused by other health problems such as:

  • Other bacterial or viral infection
  • pharyngitis
  • tonsillitis
  • dehydration due to cold weather
  • common cold

For your information, if the pain is continuously produced after touching the area, it is highly likely musculoskeletal pain or pain over the area of breast. Breast tenderness can be due to premenstrual syndrome, trauma or ill-fitting bra.

Since you have a travel history to high risk area such as UK and you have sore throat, it is crucial to assess your risk of COVID-19,
To assess your risk, you are encouraged to answer the quiz on Risk Assessment for COVID-19 to evaluate your health status in regards to this disease. After completing this quiz, you will be classified into several categories. You may proceed by following the instructions given at the end of the quiz.

You may consult a MOH doctor by clicking Ask Doctor at the Ministry of Health website (COVID-19 Portal) to ask any health issues related to COVID-19 starting from 8.30 am to 5.00 pm.

After 5.00 pm till 12.00 am, please direct your enquiries to our DoctorOnCall website at this link

Thank you for your enquiry.


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