
4 years

Sore throat problem but no high fever

I had sore throat since three days ago and my sputum in yellow but i dont have the high fever and other symptoms of covid 19, so should i go for further checking?

Thank you for your question.

First and foremost, I understand your concern regarding this issue of coronavirus since there’s an outbreak of the virus.

Before we can proceed to anything, we should assess your risk profile. You can answer the quiz on Risk Assessment for COVID-19 to evaluate your health status in regards to this disease. After completing this quiz, you will be classified into several categories as follows and please act accordingly.

For more information on coronavirus, please visit the official Ministry of Health portal at link here (MOH COVID-19 Portal). You can also consult a doctor for free regarding your condition by clicking Ask Doctor link on the portal.

Do you know that your immune system plays role in the effectiveness of vaccines?

Prevention is better than cure. Is My Body Ready to Fight Infection? Find Out in only 5 short minutes!

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