
3 years

Hand swollen after vaccine shot

Hi, I received AZ vaccine shot on last Wednesday. I was having mild fever the next day & I am alright after taking the panadol. On the next day, I started feeling hand pain (the injection part). This 2 days, I noticed my hand went swollen and can see redness on the skin. It is not very painful, but the swollen feeling more stronger day by day. Should I consult doctor for medication or wait for it to disappear by itself? Thanks.

Hi thank you for the given question.
We understand your concern regarding the post effects of the Covid-19 vaccine.
We hope our answers would help.
Most of the vaccine side effects are self- limiting.
Although this is the case, always stay alert for any of the side effects below.
Please do seek immediate medical help if any of these side effects are noticed.

  • severe persistent headache
  • blurred vision
  • fainting and seizures
  • stomach and chest pain
  • swelling or pain in the legs
  • shortness of breath/trouble breathing
  • Bruising easily

Depending on your symptoms, you may try:

  • putting a cold compress (such as a damp washcloth) on the injection site
  • using your arm, rather than keeping it inactive, to reduce injection site discomfort
  • checking with your doctor to see if you can take over-the-counter painkillers
  • drinking lots of fluids
  • wearing lighter clothing, if you’re feeling feverish

I hope the given information helps and we wish dad a fast recovery .

If these symptoms that he is experiencing persists further ,do not be hesitant to seek medical advice.

You may use our online consultation service to get in touch with a doctor.

Hope we have answered your question satisfactorily. Thank you

Click here to talk to our doctor online.


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