3 years
The Satety of Inactivated Covid Vaccines
hi, I am thinking to take Sinopharm vaccine, This is because I heard some side effects from the mRNA vaccines like rare case of heart inflammations. Some say, Sinopharm / Sinovac vaccine are less to have side effects and proven safe because it are using old proven technology. But I am feel very worry if the inactivated virus vaccine could cause me to develop COVID infections. Is this is possible to happen?
I am not worrying about the breakthrough infections (after vaccinations), I am worrying if some of the inactivated virus can became activated and cause infections, and I am worry if the test result of the Antigen Rapid Test will became positive after vaccinations using inactivated vaccine (possibility of test kit pick up inactivated virus vaccine as a infections)… I am may sound too silly…but these are my worries…please help to guide me

3 years
Thank you for your query.
Based on the information above, we understand that you wanted to know probability of Sinovac, inactivated vaccine can cause COVID-19 infection. we will try to help you.
The short answer to your question is no, inactivated vaccine does not cause infection of the disease. This is because, the vaccine contain traces of virus that cannot replicate to cause full-blown COVID-19 infection. Furthermore, the Sinopharm vaccine will not have a positive result on PCR-antigen test. As only life corona virus infection have antigen detected by PCR-antigen test. Please refer to the Pusat Kesiapsiagaan dan Respons Krisis (CPRC) for vaccination information.
Talian CPRC:
For further information, do contact our doctors via online consulation. Hope this answers your question.
Thank you.
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Please visit https://covid-19.moh.gov.my/ to get the latest information and guidelines regarding COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccination
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