3 years
Sinovac vaccine Side effect
I am female age 37. I am in the losing weight journey due to my obesity. May i know can obese person safe to take sinovac vaccine? Will it lead to any severe side effect??

3 years
Thank you for your query.
Based on the information above, we understand that you want to know whether Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine have severe side effects on obese patients. We will try to help you.
For your information, COVID-19 infection is a pandemic with serious severity especially those with comorbidity such as obesity. Therefore, vaccines such as Sinovac are the safe and effective in preventing complications from the infections. As of now, there are no clear correlations of obesity with severe vaccine side effects.
For more information regarding the vaccine, you can contact Crisis Preparedness and Response Centres (CPRC)
Talian CPRC:
You can also contact our doctors via online consultation. Hope this answers your question.
Thank you.
Click here to speak to a doctor
Please visit https://covid-19.moh.gov.my/ to get the latest information and guidelines regarding COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccination
To Book Private COVID-19 Vaccination, Click Here
To Book COVID-19 PCR/RTK Test, Click Here