3 years
Is it advisable to take Kamagra after getting COVID-19 vaccine (Pfizer)?
Is it advisable to take Kamagra after getting COVID-19 vaccine (Pfizer)?

Dr Nur Syuhada binti Zulkifli,
3 years
Hello, thank you for your enquiry.
For your information, there is no scientific evidence showing the benefits or harms of using Kamagra after COVID-19 vaccination (including Pfizer). It will not prevent or treat the side effects of vaccines and will not boost the immunity functions provided by the vaccines as well.
Kamagra containing Sildenafil, which alternatively known as Viagra, is useful for erectile dysfunction and will cause venous dilatation, increase blood flow, may be useful for certain medical conditions. However, consumers are advise to take this medication with cautious, read the label and follow instructions, avoid overdose.
For more information, you may refer this to a doctor or contact the relevant department CPRC via 0388810200/+60178429454.
You may contact us for an online consultation for further assistance as well.
Thank you, we hope our answer has been helpful.
Click here to talk to a doctor.
Please visit https://covid-19.moh.gov.my/ to get the latest information and guidelines regarding COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccination
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