3 years
Concerning about my Hair Fall Issue
Hi, Doctor. I am a married woman and turning 33 years old this year.
My hair fall problem become very serious after my first vaccination(AZ) on 5 August. I got covid on 9th May this year and fully recoved. I scared my hair fall probelm will continuesly until I become bald. I am also facing hard to fall asleep and play handphone till very late around 4-5am in the morning then woke up after 12pm during MCO period.
My period also came a week late (should be 23th Aug) and the amount is little.
I dont know is this related to vaccine or not and What should I do? Need help.

3 years
Hi and thank you for asking us
Through the statement you gave on the above section, I completely understand your concern over this matter. For your information there are a few factors that could cause hair loss such as:
- abnormal level of androgen hormones
- injury to the scalp
- infection of the scalp
- medical condition called alopecia
- genetics.
- stress can cause hair loss
- chemotherapy
- autoimmune disease
- shampooing too often, bleaching and dying your hair makes your hair thinner and weaker
- illness such as diabetes, thyroid dysfunction, iron deficiency anemia
- low protein diet can lead temporary hair loss
Besides that, late period can happen due to reasons like:
- Stress
- Changes in your daily activities
- Too much exercise
- Sudden loss or gain in weight
- Thyroid problem
Therefore, you will need to see a doctor so that you can get assessed properly and proper treatment can be given to you.
You can talk to us online if you need further information or if you want to get a consultation on your period problem. We will try our best to help.
We hope this explanation helps.
Thank you.
Click here to speak to a doctor.
Please visit https://covid-19.moh.gov.my/ to get the latest information and guidelines regarding COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccination
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