3 years
Anxiety and self-harming
i’m an 18 yo female who just finished spm and currently waiting for uni. i have been self harming since 11 and stopped for as long as a year in 2017 & 2019. i can’t remember how or why i have changed but i was cheerful and brave enough to talk in front of a crowd. now, i am easily panicked and break into cold sweat at the thought of talking to people i’m not close/ don’t know at all. i also have trembling hands that don’t stop for hours unless i calm myself down and forget about that time. in 2020, things took the worst turn. i faced many difficulties and had no one to open up or support. it was out of consciousness that i started planning on how to commit suicide. i don’t want to self diagnose myself but i think my anxiety is worsening and i have absolutely no will to live at all. i really want to seek for professional help but i have 0 support from families as they have no slightest idea that my mental health is very bad and i have self harmed since 11. i am also quite reluctant to physically show up for counseling nor calls because i don’t feel comfortable to have my family with me. is there any other options i can take? i really really want help

Dr Nur Syuhada binti Zulkifli,
3 years
Hi and thank you for asking us
Through the question and statement you gave on the above section, i completely understand your concern over this matter. For your information, a mental health condition needs to be diagnose by specialist such as psychologist or psychiatrist. For your information, there are several disorder in which can cause the problems you are facing, such as:
- Personality disorder
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Bipolar disorder
- Mood disorder
- Thyroid problems
- Hormonal issues
Your issues are manageable. You need to see a doctor, you can speak with us personally, or see a psychiatrist. Mental illnesses are just like other diseases. There should not be any stigma. You need to take action. We doctors will do our best to help you.
You are encouraged to talk to a doctor online so that we could assist you further and help you refer to a dermatologist if necessary.
We hope you will be satisfied with our answer.
Click here to talk to a doctor.