3 years
Trouble sleeping and became anxious for no reason
I am 18 y/o girl. I’m facing trouble sleeping for almost 3 years. Even I’ve got enough sleep, I’m still tired and feels like I don’t have energy left. Sometimes I felt like short of breath also my body will felt numb and it makes me scared and anxious for no reason. Should I take sleeping pills?

3 years
Hi and thank you for this question.
We understand that you have been having difficulties sleeping for some time now.
We also understand that you have been having some physical symptoms that make you nervous.
We would like to help.
Difficulty sleeping can be due to various reasons
For example
Anxiety and stress
Poor sleeping habits
Over consumption of food at night
A psychiatrist handles issues related to sleep often. We would like you to speak to a psychiatrist to help you deal with your issues in a proper way.
Do not consume any pills without a doctor’s approval.
This can be very dangerous
You can also talk to our psychiatrist online for further help.
Click here to speak to a doctor online
Our Psychiatrist can help you to tackle and overcome your mental health issues!