4 years
Blood in phlegm in the morning
Im 25 and for the past 2 days ive been having blood in my phlegm in the morning after brushing my tongue. Ive checked at night too if this happens but it doesnt. Sometimes at night or when im lying down i can feel like theres pressure in my chest that makes me cough and i dont feel like my throat has phlegm during the day, just that my chest feels stuffy when i breathe. I can take deep breaths. should i go to the clinic?

4 years
Hello, and thank you for contacting us
Blocked throat and stuffy chest? Get a quick relief!
We truly understand your concern with regard to your current condition. However, our views would only reflect based on the description that you have brought forth into the forum.
A health condition portrayed by coughing & blood in phlegm - which can also be followed by chest pain and shortness of breath - can be caused by:
- Respiratory Distress Syndrome (i.e. COPD, Emfisema, Asthma)
- Lung infection (i.e. Tuberculosis, Pneumonia )
- Pulmonary edema biasanya akibat masalah jantung
- Pleural Effusion (usually associated with Dengue Infection or cancer)
- Lung cancer (usually associated with extreme weight loss & blood cough)
- Cardiac abnormalities
- Gall stones
In need of a second opinion? Our pulmonologist are here to help.
To know further with regards to your condition, or to be able to decide on which therapy best suited for your condition, an additional assessment must be done. With that being said we urged you to consult with the nearest clinic or hospital in your area as soon as possible.
In addition, you can also talk directly to our doctors by using this link. (DoctorOnCall) Thank you.