4 years
Something stuck in throat after swallowing
I have this problem where after I swallow something, I feel like part of it is still stuck in the base of my throat (near the collarbone.) After a few hours it goes away. I don’t actually have difficulty swallowing, but it’s still annoying. What could be the reason for it?

Dr Nur Syuhada binti Zulkifli,
4 years
Hello and good afternoon. Thank you for your question.
We truly understand your concerns regarding the foreign sensation at your throat each time after swallowing food/drinks. For your information, this lump in throat sensation is mostly due to muscle spasms that occurs around your throat that is triggered by certain allergies or irritation. It also can be due to certain neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis, stroke and spinal cord injuries that interferes the muscle tone and action of mouth and throat muscles. However, you might also experience other symptoms as well such as numbness, paralysis and so on.
The most common disease related to your situation is Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) which causes your stomach acid to gain reflux up till the throat via the esophagus. This acid reflux might irritate your throat and larynx and causes muscle spasm and throat inflammation. Frequent irritation may also cause the tissues surrounding your throat to be frequently damage, thus increasing the risk of Throat Cancer.
Other causes includes:
- Abnormal spasm of esophageal muscle
- Esophageal cancer
- Scleroderma, which is a type of auto-immune disorder that attacks your esophagus
- Tumors in the chest or chest wall that might press the esophagus…
- Stress and anxiety
- Achalasia
- Viral or bacterial infection of the throat
You can easily get ear, nose & throat problems, but don’t let it get to you.
Therefore, we suggest you to meet your nearest doctor if this problem persist without any action of relief, or if you are experiencing other symptoms such as chest pain, heartburn, loss of appetite, weight loss, weakness and lethargy.
If you have any other inquiries that wish to be made, you may click on this link (DoctorOnCall) to speak with our doctors online to receive better consultation regarding your current problem. We assure you that our conversations are kept in confidentiality unless additional consultation needed with other medical parties. Thank you.
Discuss your symptoms with an ear, nose and throat(ENT) specialist for their expert advice.