4 years
Throat Still Feels Slight Pain After Antibiotics
Hi! I have been having a sore throat that comes and goes. The first time it happened was at the start of November. I saw the doctor and had a round of antibiotics (Cefuroxime Axetil) and it went off. Then it came back again at the start of December. I had another round of antibiotics (Cefuroxime Axetil) and it went off. But then my maid came down with a sore throat a day after mine ended and my sore throat came back. I had another round of antibiotics (Amoxillin) and it just ended a couple of days back.
But my throat still feels a little sore on and off (not to the point where it hurts when I swallow. Just feels scratchy.). And its usually at night. I am alright during the day. I have had no fever with any of the times my throat hurt and required antibiotics. My nose has been a bit stuffy, but its okay after I started using the Vicks Inhaler. But I am coughing. Again, that happens at night. No phlegm tho. Just dry coughing.
Since the start of CMCO, I have been wfh. I only go out once a week to get groceries. I am not sure if I should be seeing a doctor about this again? Or if its all in the process of healing and I should just be patient?

4 years
Hello, and thank you for contacting us
We truly understand your concern with regard to your current condition. However, our views would only reflect based on the description that you have brought forth into the forum.
Want a healthier lifestyle? Supplements are always a viable option!
For your information ongoing or recurrent sore throat followed by a slight pain can be due to many underlying problem such as:
- recurrent infection from different virus or bacteria
- allergic reaction to certain chemical or food ingredient
- weakened immune system
- infection by drug resistant bacteria
However if the sore throat exceed the 3 month, it can already be considered chronic, which may be caused by:
- diphtheria
- strep throat
- tonsillitis
- or other ailments
I do hope that all of your antibiotics consumption are based on a doctor prescription, this is to ensure the right dosage, volume and type of antibiotics are being taken. Secondly, you can also try few home remedies that can prove to be useful to help with your condition. This include:
- taking supplements
- exercise and eat healthy to boost immune system
- honey consumption
- drink juices
- reduce alcohol or spicy food intake
Need a second opinion from a specialist? Our otolaryngologist are here to help.
To know further with regards to your condition, or to be able to decide on which therapy best suited for your condition, additional assessment must be done. With that being said we encourage you to consult with the nearest clinic or hospital in your area. In addition you can also talk directly to our doctors by using this link. (DoctorOnCall) Thank you.